5.1. Two channel graphical voltmeter

 5.1.Two channel graphical voltmeter

The Voltmeter Module is an optional accessory unit for the DIAG4BIKE® communication interface. It is a 2-channel graphical voltmeter which can be used for independent measurement of DC voltages within a range of 0V to +39V.

Turning the analog measuring ON/OFF

After the DIAG4BIKE® program is started, it is immediately seen in the button, if the analog measuring function is available or not. If the function is not enabled, the button will be displayed in grey (inactive). If the function is enabled, the button will be displayed in full colour (active).


The analog measuring function can be enabled with two methods:


  •  Enable/disable the function by clicking the button after having started up the program for VCI communication interface configuration. This setting is permanent, and does not change even after the program is restarted.


  •  This temporal function is available only for the period of program operation.
  •  By exiting the DIAG4BIKE® program, this function is turned off.
  •  When the program is restarted again, the setting is taken from the VCI configuration.


When the analog measuring is enabled, then after clicking the button the measuring itself is started. In this case the voltmeter measures voltages in two channels (A, B) against the ground.
By  clicking the button, the currently displayed values can be printed out using the default printer .
a) Channel A against ground (red + black) Channel B against ground (blue + black)
b) Channel A against Channel B (red + blue)
The voltmeter can be used also for measurements with a running engine. Prerequisites for use are a connection of the voltmeter module to the VCI communication interface, and switching on the analog measuring. When connection to the motorcycle is created, diagnostics is started, and communication is established, the Voltmeter function can be selected.


The voltmeter can be used also for parameter measurements with a running engine. Prerequisites for use are a connection of the voltmeter module to the VCI communication interface, and switching on the analog measuring function .

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