Licence Transfer
Connect Multi-dongle
Click on the Mutli-dongle Management icon
Select Licence for transfer and click on the Licence transfer icon
Licence for transfer selected, click on the icon (Transfer Licence)
Transfer Licence successful
Licence Transfer code for recieve licence
Click on the printer icon
This is file with motorcycle and transfer licence information
Open file
Code for receive licence
Waiting for receive Licence
New / different motorcycle service / acceptance of the licence
Click on the Multi-Dongle Management -> Licence transfer icon
Insert code and click on the Receive Licence icon
Successfully Received licence
Licence received
Fault message
Error (X) Icon, wrong code
No Licence selected
Cancel Licence Transfer
Select licence with “waiting for receive” status
Click on the Licence Transfer icon
Cancel Licence Transfer
For cancellation Transfer licence click on the Cancel transfer
Successfully Cancelled